The ART of Interior Design... Creating spaces that look and work well, keeping in mind image, needs, space and budget.

Urban Studio Interior Design is proud to have completed many Interior Design projects in Lethbridge, and southern Alberta. Kelly VanderHooft is a Registered Interior Designer and has been a professional Interior Designer since '98.
Local Artwork – If these walls could talk!
When making your artwork selections there are two streams you can go down. You can buy mass produced work that has removed the hand of the artist from the work or you can support local artists that have created the piece by their own hand. It is suprising what a difference it makes to be surrounded by artwork that has the fingerprint of an artist in it. I love supporting local artists, and what a pleasure it is for my clients to enjoy spending time with real artwork. I had an opportunity in this project to showcase local artists, and the incredible creative expression that is found here in southern alberta! On the walls you will find work by: Jill Moloy, Aaron Hagan, Judith Nikel, Rick Gillis, and Bob Croskery to name a few…